
Showing posts from October, 2011

NaNo 2011: Posting Like I Didn't Abandon This Blog For Nine Months.

Soooo....I'm back. Ish. Backish. Yeah, it's been a while, but since this is mostly for my own, whatevs. So. Yeah, I don't know where I'm going with this things now, maybe more of a discussion than crawling around on my high horse and trying to make my opinions on how to write shit sound less pretentious than they feel. Since, you know, I really can't write for shit. But the shit I do write makes me happy, so, once again, whatevs. And yeah, Katz is still around. Surprisingly, Zappa (the black and white cat) did not horribly maim him. Katz: Fuck. Yes. Epic Mount. Me: You know you gets those at like, level thirty now. And you can play to level twenty for free. Katz: ... I said: FUCK. YEAH. EPIC MOUNT.