Magic, and the Orders of the Exodus Covenant

Magic! Ah, magic. Always a pain in the ass. Magic is broken up into a few subcategaories. Racial Magic: Racial magic is magic that is innate to all members of a species. Very few races have magic common to every member of a species – a good example would be harpies; every member of their species has racial magic enabling them to actually fly. Dwarves, too – they have sort of an earth sense. Personal Magic: Personal magic is magic that is innate to a certain person; they are born with the innate ability. This one is a bit odd – for example, 90% of all non-Covah humans are born with magic that makes them highly adaptable; that 10% means it’s not racial. Most people have two, maybe three gifts like this, and half the time, they don’t precisely seem like “magic”. For example, the naga in my NaNo – her special talent, in addition to the human adaptability, is a gift for languages – it takes her very little time to be able to be fully fluent in a new language. The dwarf, ...