Blending Pic Spam

Just popping in to spam the blog with my last two, much more successful, blending projects!

First up, we have what I'm calling "Vaporeon" which is a combo of three shades of blue with a stark white to offset. No particular pattern, just whatever ended up feeling right.

I ended up with six precious little rolags, for a total of just over two ounces.

Next, I let Kira pick the colors, and she wanted this! Told her to name it, and she came up with "Edge of Twilight" which is just pretentious enough to please me.

This one has five shades - a PANK PANK HOT PINK, a more subdued pink with sari silk strands of various colors, two shades of purple and a dark dull blue. Turned out quite nice!

I ended up with five little rolags, precisely at two ounces!

Someone on Ravelry was calling them wool snails, which I mean...yeah. I like it.


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