Clichés and D&D
18 days and counting until NaNoWriMo kicks off! Today, I'm talking about clichés. A cliché is defined as an idea that has been used so many times that the power it originally had is gone. Clichés are a massive worry for a lot of writers, and one of the things that might get in your way when you're trying to plot something up for NaNo this year. A lot of websites try and tell you all these ways to avoid clichés, or how to phase them out of your story. It's a little strange, but I, personally, don't think going out of your way to avoid clichés is a good idea. I can give you the reason in two short little lessons right here: LESSON ONE: Everything is a cliché. Yes, as far as I'm concerned, EVERYTHING is a cliché, or takes off from a cliché. You can't avoid it. Even if it seems new and original, someone, somewhere, can find something it is apparently derivative of. The secret is to accept it and embrace it, and know that you can give these clichés back their...