Spoiling Myself

So I love to weave. Specifically inkle and tablet weaving. I'm not great at it - the same problems with row counting and my inability to remember numbers that plague me in my attempts to crochet and knit are in full force here - but that doesn't stop me much. I usually stick to very simple tablet weave (WHICH I HATE THERE ARE SO MANY BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS UGH) and basic inkle patterns. I've got my little loom strung up with one such simple pattern right now. Very basic, as you can see. The pattern is as follows: It makes a cute little An Tir-themed trim though, so it's very handy. However, you might notice that my loom is quite small. In fact, working over an inch wide band gets pretty dicey when advancing the warp, and it only makes around two yards of trim, more if I'm careful and think harder about my tension peg's placement than I usually do. But it was my first functional loom, and it's great for travel, since it fits i...