
Showing posts from August, 2019

Paradise Fiber Club Box - August: A Pop Art Fiber Adventure

No super hype leadup this month, sorry, I've been super sick all through July and I'm just starting to get my enthusiasm back. However it does make the box anticipation all that more tolerable, when it's hardly there. Well, at least until the delivery notification showed up - then I got a little hype. :D That means, however, that I get to go into this month totally blind! No hints, no nuthin! It's nice. This month guest starring my mom's house, her...appropriately themed carpet, and Nacho. First view of the open box! In high school, my design class did an entire stint on the pop art style. That was the first thing that came to mind when I opened this puppy up. Nostalgia??? Info about this month's fibers. Might be a touch hard to read. The "menu" for the month, with my fat finger blocking the exclusive codes. Nacho broke in here, as he needed attention. Gaze upon his sweet orange face, and my mo...

The Suffering of Cosplay Planning

I love cosplay. I really do. Sometimes I hit on just the right character and I can make something that turns out pretty decent.  Sadly, most of the time my procrastination eats my face and things don't turn out the way I'd hoped; see all my incomplete cosplays, alas. I am after all a master of procrastination. However, this year I was originally gonna do one thing, then i was cruising through patterns idly when I saw Simplicity pattern 8971 and I started getting IDEAS. I saw that and wanted to make a Ho-Oh gijinka. BORB. Obviously the pattern as-is is never gonna fit me, and will have to be sized up dramatically to get close, which means it's time to finally make myself a custom dress form out of duct tape, hurrah! So I always build my inital concept off of what the pattern has available - that looked like this: But now I gotta consider what will actually look good with my body, as well as realistic modifications. That involved ...