Paradise Fiber Club Box - July: Merfolk

I've got to admit, I did something sort of funny this month. I received and opened this box on the 6th, got all my pictures uploaded and ready for my unboxing post...and then promptly didn't write the post for a week. The opposite of my normal problem and all that. On a side note, I looked at the hint for this month and ended up doing some graffiti on the box before I got to prying this baby open. Do you like my catfish? Ahh, that freshly opened box feel. I'm jamming on the color of the packaging this month for sure. This month's newsletter, with info on how to obtain a sequined yarn (not my thing, honestly, but cute) and some background on the very unique fiber included in this box. Delicious fiber box menu! That lovely paper! Teals are some of my favorite colors, and aquamarine is CLOSE ENOUGH that I do adore it. And inside that lovely wrapping is some hella shiny stuff, oh my. First up, this little linen baggy. Inside is this month's feature fiber: 3 oz of Mermai...