Paradise Fiber Club Box - September: Fall Featured Artists
Okay, so I know I'm waaaay behind for September, but I continue to be a medical trainwreck so I refuse to feel guilty about it. Same goes for a distinct lack of other crafting and posting.
We are getting into writing season, so there is that to be said. Hopefully I'll be picking up the posting schedule through October and into NaNo in November.

You betcha I popped that sucker open as soon as found my knife!
(Please ignore the fact that I am clearly opening this up on my bed, I didn't feel up to putting together my normal unboxing setup. So you're going to get sheets, my leg, and bits of my housemate K, who was watching the unboxing live.)

Here you can see the immediate contents; the splash page, the menu and info page, and the large burlap bag that this month's goodies came in. As soon as the main package opened, I was punched in the face by the glorious one-two knockout of cinnamon and pumpkin spices; the source being the Purely Pumpkin potpourri from Darsee & David. Very, very strong, but not unpleasant.

The burlap bag was opened, and the fall-leaf wrapped bundle was carefully extracted; the potpourri was a little inconvenient to work around because I was attempting NOT to get it all over my bed, but cautious removal saw me through.
Ahh, the contents revealed! First thing that struck me? That pretty maroon project bag. I have a larger one in black that is otherwise identical which I use to store inkle weaving yarn, so another one is going to be awesome to have.

Inside, I had two patches of a lovely maroon microfiber fleece - about the same color as the project bag, actually - a little bit of tea (which was immediately snatched and coveted by housemate K), as well as this month's vinyl sticker - Pewempkin Patch. You can also see the fall-themed "confetti" of fake autumn leaves and shiny gold acorns that came in the bundle.
Next, on to the fiber!
First, we have a very soft, very lovely 4oz of a natural ecru, 75/25 Bluefaced Leicester (BFL) and Tussah Silk blend. I freaking LOVE Tussah Silk, and I love BFL, so a combo is always going to be a win in my books.
Me and housemate K kept reaching over to pick this up and touch it again until I finally put it way to keep my damn fingers out of it.
It's no baby camel and silk, but I still want to rub my face on it.
Next was a nice, simple 4oz BFL mix in white and brown, which kinda gives it a vague "just off the sheep" vibe, which I know is probably only me but be quiet, I can pretend whatever I want!
Also quite nice - as I said before, I love love loooove me some BFL.
So that's September! In all honesty, it's probably been one of the most mixed-to-meh months for me - I love the fiber, but it's not especially exciting to me, though I deeeply appreciate the fact that they managed to get us an incredible 8oz of fiber this month. The idea behind the lined mitts is cute, but I am unlikely to make mittens, and it would have been nice to have the/an actual pattern included with the kit, rather than just info on where to go or where to buy it. I am not sure how "featured" the artists seem, really.
Still, it was enjoyable, and this subscription box continues to be well worth the money I pay for it. If you want to sign up for the Paradise Fibers fiber box, you can by going here. it's too late at this point to get THIS box/bag, but you have until November 10th to get on the bandwagon for next month!
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