The Largesse Box: Part One

So, for a looooong time I've been planning on decorating this wooden craft chest I've had kicking around for the better part of ten years, and then filling the damn thing up with largesse and inflicting the resulting craft monster on An Tir's Largesse coordinator (because no way am I presenting this thing directly to whoever the sitting royals are when I finally get it filled - it's taken like two years to get THIS far, so lord knows when I'll actually FINISH). I've actually made a start on the contents - the painted drop spindles and the viking hats are meant for this undertaking, after all. A few days ago the bug to start getting serious on at least finishing out the box bit me hard, and I drafted up an initial plan on how this stupid thing would be painted. Promising, but of course later on I ran into problems and had to rethink this, HEAVILY. So anyway, today I found the chest, emptied it out (incidentally I found 1. my missing grey hoodie and 2. some more f...