Crafty Crap Update: Hats and and Supply Runs

Last month, I decided to was time for MOAR HATS. So I went to see momma and her beautiful sewing room so I could efficiently cut out the pieces for some more damn hats. Yay! I have the stuff for two ready to go once I stop being a lazy fucking uncreative bum. Then I went SHOPPING for SUPPLIES! Above are my handstitching supplies for the aforementioned hats. A nice, heavy silk thread in (you can't tell because my light sucks) white, cream and black. I was so tempted to color match but... even black thread is kinda rare in period so I just said screw it, simple colors are FINE. Also I gave in and got some marking chalky/waxy not chalk/crayon things. Maybe my hand stitched seamlines will be less atrocious this time. Next, I got a crapton of PAINT (and paint adjacent supplies) and I guess a RULER which I keep forgetting about even though it's RIGHT THERE. I'm pretty sure I don't have enough black paint but stupid Michaels LITERALLY h...