NaNo 2019: 3rd Times the Charm

So it's time once again for me to start screaming, primal, into the void as I figure out what I'm doing for NaNoWriMo. Before I get into that, though, I'm going to point out that NaNo has a new site? It's kinda neat when it works! You can find me here . It's weird to think I've been doing this since 2004, but here we are. So this year, I'm going to work on the same story I worked on in 2014 and sorta 2018 - sorta because I got basically nothing re-written last year. It's Ghostlight! The idea behind Ghostlight is sometimes I get a bizarre craving for writing a Weird West-ish setting, but I also like Lovecraftian madness and fantasy too much, so I smushed it all together into one messy pile and got the base concept for this novel. Also I love trains? Because there are trains. I think my problem in my two previous attempts were I was humanizing the non-human monster-people too much. Yes there are non-human monster people, each...