My Name is Chek and I Have an Addiction to Craft Supplies
So I ordered some more mill ends because I ran out.
Not quite as many as last time, but still quite a bit - about ten and a half ounces. It'll keep me busy for a little bit longer, which is nice.
Stop judging me this is a much better addiction than others I could have.
I think between the three packs I got, there is enough for some more of the fire rolags, though obviously not in the same shades. Might be a little low on orange but I have more reds this time.
The MVPs of the whole lot are these two dark colored batches - one dark purple, one dark blue - and they are shot through with shimmery other colors. HELLA pretty.
There was a surprisingly large amount of pink in this mix, but I do think blue may have won in sheer quantity, though I think red and pink won in shades.
Also there is this one crazy blended fiber in there that reminds me of the Fujimoto from Ponyo - dunno why, he's more orange-blue-white-pink, but it's the association I keep coming back to.
Green was pretty close behind though. It looks all nice color coordinated in my storage box! Of which there is NOT a picture because I was tired and also it's double stacked in there.
I'm not pulling half of the stuff out of the box just for a picture. Maybe when I make some more rolags.
I also picked up a new drop spindle from Kraken 3D, who made the spindle I've been relearning on.
The color I'd ordered originally wasn't available, but I got this instead which is pretty damn incredible regardless of my inability to photograph it properly. It's like a purple-black with blue sparkles. Faaaaabulous.
Also the seller is sweet and threw in some extra shafts because I had to wait a whole extra two or three days while the new color came in. Goddamn amazing, I fully rec him if you want a lightweight turkish spindle.
Also the seller is sweet and threw in some extra shafts because I had to wait a whole extra two or three days while the new color came in. Goddamn amazing, I fully rec him if you want a lightweight turkish spindle.
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