Squishy Package Party

So I've been buying things I honestly probably should not? But I did anyway because I am an adult and fully capable of making whatever poor life choices I want. And if that means I'm buying a whole bunch of yarn for my looms and fabric I want but don't need and a goddamn pound of mill ends to play with on my blending board then you bet your ass that's what I'm going to do.

These came over the course of the better part of the weekend, and will be addressed in the order they came. (I could have done these all on their own posts...but nah.)

June 27, 2019 - Knit Picks
I already knew what was in this one, obviously, as I had, you know, specifically ordered it. You'd think that would make unboxing it not all that exciting but you would be WRONG.

That beautiful sack of goodies!

So yeah, many skeins of yarn for my loom, and a bunch of roving for playing with. The red is for Kira, but the rest is miiiiiine. The Tidepool Heather (the tealish) one is particularly lovely.
All of it is Wool of the Andes, which is apparently from sheep which are a mix of Corriedale and Merino? "Peruvian Highland" sheep, I guess. I am baffled and intrigued in turns by sheep breeds.

June 28, 2019 - Shibori Dragon

This was a small package, and I'm only including the unboxing because these fabrics are incredible. The Junebuggers thread on LSG (basically a progress/encouragement/conversation thread about crafting for June, in one of the groups I'm in on Ravelry, for those who don't know) turned me on to this place - the original conversation was about sashiko kits, but then someone linked this fabric and WELL I SPENT TOO MUCH MONEY, OKAY? STOP JUDGING ME.


June 29, 2019 - Tenney's Fiber Farm
So this? This was the exciting one. I ordered a pound of rando mill ends like a month ago, and had NO CLUE what I was gonna pull out of this box. Also I managed to accidentally ship this to my old house, which luckily is where my mom lives, so I didn't have to SCREEE over this excessively.

Oh damn. I was already thrilled as soon as I pulled the bag out, but it wasn't until later that I was actually able to get in and start digging though stuff.

After I dumped the bag out and separated all the various pieces.

I ended up sorting though as best I could and rolling everything up into little balls. Most of seems to be roving, likely wool by the feel, but there were a few mystery fibers. I had roving, a few batts, and even some locks! It was a good variety of stuff, and I think it's going to be worth every cent once I start playing with this stuff on my blending board. And while some of it is pretty tangled, I think I can save everything.

If nothing else, I can make rolags to sent out with the spindles when I do a largess dump.


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