I Am Bad At Spinning
So I've still been making rolags.
But I've eventually got to do something with them.
The problem is... I am really bad at drop spindle. I'd need a third hand to actually be comfortable doing it, and that's just not something I've quite figured out how to grow yet. But I'm also being really shitty about getting my spinning wheel out of the box, finished and learning how to use it.

Recently, I won a 3D printed turkish spindle from the crafting thread I've mentioned in a previous post; I LOVE IT. However, loving it does not in fact make me any better at spinning, it turns out it just makes me more frustrated that I can't produce a nice even single.

I've been trying to practice with some rolags that turned out sub-par, colorwise, and so far it's just...a big ole chunky mess. And that's mostly intentional; I'm more focused on trying to get the motions back before I start trying to reclaim any pitiful skills that I had.
It's still pretty disheartening though.
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