Paradise Fiber Club Box - March: Outlander

And here we are, caught up on the fiber boxes (or in this month's case, bags). It's been a while since the last time we received a bag instead of a box - September of last year, per what my previous posts say. That's promising, since the last time I got a bag, it was pretty awesome, and had 8 oz of fiber crammed in.

The bag itself is pretty interesting. That, obviously, looks very Irish/Scottish. I googled it and came up with some Outlander stuff - which, okay, I know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about, since I rarely watch TV on my own time. But it was giving some pretty clear vibes on the potential themes. 

There was something else about this package that was extremely intriguing, though...

A fragile sticker? I've never received a fiber box/bag with a fragile sticker, and I've been subscribed for almost a year now. Color me intensely interested at this point, and I wasted no more time getting into this bag!

...buh? Is that..muslin? A bundle of muslin? I was confused! But I was still thinking about what little I knew about the potential theme, and combined with my SCA related stuff, I can't say I found this too bizarre. I was pretty sure I knew what was up at this point.

And I was right! Google, thank you for providing me with a little context for this month's bag! My insert is a bit, well, SMASHED, but it's still legible! 

Sorry for the crumply menu, but I did the best I could. Now, the most important thing about this menu is that HOLY CRAP TEN OUNCES OF FIBER WOW. 


Obviously I abandoned the menu immediately to get my hands on that sweet, sweet fiber. TEN OUNCES, MAN. The bundle I yanked out was cute, very appropriate feeling for this month's box - I'd bundle stuff up for SCA events this way and be pleased with the look, honestly.

Two pics here, one of the way the bundle looked as soon as I untied it, one slightly more spread out so you can see what was there. Obviously the fiber is what first springs to hand, but that little bag was interesting too, because pretty, and because it felt hard. I have not forgotten the "fragile" sticker on the bag, after all, and nothing else was looking ripe to be the culprit.

So we'll start off with the fiber, all TEN OUNCES of it. These are all from Paradise's new Shetland Heather Collection - it's blended Shetland Wool in contrasting shades, named after Scottish wildflowers, which, wow, pretty? The colors are red - Sorrel, blue - Echinops, green - Roseroot, yellow - Fairy Flax, and natural white. There is a purple - Thistle that was not included, but I'm sure it's just as lovely as the rest of these. I got 2 oz of each of the five colors.

This is a nice feeling wool. A little catchy, but I wouldn't call it rough. I'll probably end up adding these to my blending pile, since I can think of a few fibers they might mix well with, and the colors are lovely and subdued, very natural. I like them!

As soon as I saw this sticker I was wondering what the pun was going to be, and I was pretty close - I was thinking Hewelander, but I was a bit off - this sticker is "Highlandewe". Very cute.

Now we're on to that interesting little bag. It's hard, but in a very packed kind of way, and it has a Scottish thistle stitch marker on purple string attached to it. You know I had to pop that baby open.

I was met with, indeed, some sort of paper stuffing... and a small glass vial. "Oh" I said to myself, "that's awesome. But what is inside?"

What's inside is tea. Scottish breakfast tea. The tea-addict roommate is not getting this one! It's too cute and I've never had Scottish breakfast tea, so I'm going to fix that. You can also see the thistle stitch marker much better here - it's very cute. I also love the little embroidered bag!

This was an excellent, thematic bag! I really enjoyed it, and I ESPECIALLY enjoyed that sweet, sweet TEN OUNCES of fiber. I look forward to trying out the tea as well, and am super grateful my bottle arrived intact.

If you want to sign up for the Paradise Fibers fiber box, you can do so by going here. It'll be too late for this box by the time I post, but get on it for next month if you're even a little interested! It's worth it!


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